HSQ Recruitment Team Successfully Abseils 170ft for Royal Manchester Children's Hospital


Posted on 03 October 2023

In an awe-inspiring display of courage and compassion, the HSQ Recruitment team conquered the daunting challenge of abseiling down Manchester's iconic Hyatt building, descending a staggering 170 feet to the ground. The adrenaline-pumping feat was not just about the thrill; it was a heartfelt endeavour to raise vital funds for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, a beacon of hope for more than a quarter of a million children.

The Cause: Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

Nestled in the heart of Manchester, the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital stands tall as a sanctuary for children and their families battling an array of health adversities. It embodies strength, compassion, and top-tier care for its young patients.

The team set their sights high, aiming to raise £1,400, and with the unwavering support of their community, they not only met but surpassed this goal. Every contribution, regardless of its size, played a crucial role in making a real impact.

The Impact of Your Support
  • £80: Empowering Healing through Play Therapy
    This amount can provide a child with play therapy during their hospital stay, offering invaluable emotional and psychological support during a challenging time.

  • £500: Creating Comforting Bereavement Rooms
    Your donation can metamorphose bereavement rooms into sanctuaries of solace and support, providing grieving families with a haven of comfort and solace.

  • £1000: Fostering Hope and Independence
    With this generous contribution, two wheelchairs have been procured for children who have faced traumatic or life-altering events. These wheelchairs are not merely aids; they represent hope and freedom, granting these children newfound mobility.

  • £1400: Driving Discoveries through Research
    This substantial contribution fuels the endeavours of hospital research teams, propelling them forward in their mission to understand illnesses and develop effective treatments. Research is the cornerstone of progress in medical science.

Join the Mission

You too can be part of this noble mission. Visit here to make a difference. Your contibution will directly touch the lives of children in need.

By participating in this initiative, you're not only supporting an audacious act of bravery but also contributing to a cause that profoundly impacts the lives of countless children and their families. Together, let's make a difference!

See the Heroes in Action

Here are some of our favourite snaps from the event:

Special Thanks

The HSQ Recruitment team extends their deepest gratitude to every supporter, donor, and well-wisher who made this feat and its impact possible. We would also like to thank all the volunteers who do so much for the Manchester Hospital Trust, and for the children at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital.​

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